Are French Bulldogs Good Guarddogs?

do frenchies make good watch dogs

French bulldogs may not be the first breed that comes to mind when thinking of a watchdog, Frenchies do have some characteristics that make them suitable for this role. In this blog, we will explore whether French bulldogs make good watchdogs and discuss the pros and cons of using them for this purpose.

First, let’s define what we mean by a watchdog. A watchdog is a dog that is trained to alert their owner to the presence of an intruder or potential danger. They are not typically used for protection or aggressive behavior, but rather as an early warning system. With this definition in mind, let’s examine whether Frenchies make good watchdogs.

One advantage of Frenchies as watchdogs is their size. Frenchies are a small breed, standing only about 11 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing an average of 16-28 pounds. This makes them well-suited for apartment living and means they are less likely to intimidate potential intruders.

Another advantage of Frenchies as watchdogs is their barking. Frenchies are known to be vocal and may bark at unfamiliar noises or people. While excessive barking can be a behavior problem for Frenchies, a well-trained Frenchie can be taught to bark only when necessary to alert their owner.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using Frenchies as watchdogs. One concern is their tendency towards aggression. While Frenchies are generally friendly and good with children, they can be prone to aggression towards other dogs, particularly of the same sex. This can be a concern if you are relying on your Frenchie to alert you to the presence of unfamiliar people, as they may become aggressive towards anyone they perceive as a threat.

Another concern is their lack of protection instinct. Frenchies are not typically used as protection dogs and may not have the same natural drive to defend their home and family as other breeds. This means they may not be as effective at deterring intruders as some other breeds.

Every French bulldog is different. I know that my little guy barely woofs when someone knocks on the door, but he barks like crazy when playing with the kids or chasing the vacuum. He is not aggressive with anyone or other small dogs, but he will try to attack large dogs for some reason. He is great with all the neighborhood kids and puts up with a lot. I could not ask for better pet for my boys. I feel confident he would be protective of my boys or me if he ever felt we were threatened. Otherwise, he’s a lover, not a fighter.

French bulldogs can make good watchdogs in certain situations. Their small size and tendency to bark at unfamiliar noises can be beneficial in alerting their owner to potential danger. However, their potential for aggression and lack of protection instinct should be considered when deciding whether a Frenchie is the right breed for this role. As with any breed, proper training and socialization are key to ensuring that your Frenchie is well-behaved and able to fulfill the role of a watchdog effectively.