French bulldog ears not standing, no worries

french bulldog ears standing

Frenchies ears are flopping about Are you worried about your Frenchie’s ears still being floppy? Many new owners do. It is normal for French bulldogs to have floppy ears at a young age. In fact, most of them keep them until they after they finish teething. It can take anywhere from ten weeks to five […]

French Bulldog Eating Poop

french bulldog eating poop

There are many reasons dogs will eat poop which include cleaning up, a nutrition deficiency, hungry, bored, sickness, to get attention, stress, and just for the fun of it. It is a normal occurrence among dogs and in their basic instinct. Of course, it is gross and dogs can pick up parasitic or bacterial infections […]

Vitamin E Safety Guide for Dogs

Vitamin E For Frenchies

I have had many ask me if Vitamin E was safe for their dogs after their little ones have licked or swallowed vitamin E. The answer is Yes. Not only is Vitamin E safe, but it is also essential for your dogs daily diet. This made me want to research further about how much dogs […]

DIY Homemade Dog Shampoos and Conditioners

Are you looking for a dog shampoo substitute? I share your thoughts. I have tried many on the market dog shampoos myself but then check out the ingredients and have to wonder what is so natural about it. Yes, of course there are good shampoos out there but in the back of my head I […]

Bath Time Tips with French Bulldogs

French bulldog bath time

Frenchies love hate relationship with water My Frenchie loves to play in water hose streams, small baby pools, and any kind of outdoor water toys I can find for him. When it comes to baths though, he looks at me with soulful eyes and tries to escape any time he sees a short window of […]