Bath Time Tips with French Bulldogs

French bulldog bath time

Frenchies love hate relationship with water

My Frenchie loves to play in water hose streams, small baby pools, and any kind of outdoor water toys I can find for him. When it comes to baths though, he looks at me with soulful eyes and tries to escape any time he sees a short window of time he thinks he may make it. After the bath though, he runs around the house at the speed of light-loving his cleanliness or perhaps because it is finally over. After giving my Boo a bath, I thought sharing some tips with you could be helpful.

How Often Should You Bathe Your French Bull Dog

Vets says generally you should wash your Frenchie three to five times a year. That may seem unlikely or gross to new Frenchie friends but this is the truth of the matter.

With these short haired cuties, you can bathe them too much and wash away their natural oils in their coat and skin. Of course you need to keep up with their hygiene and keep them clean between baths.

Depending on your pups lifestyle, would depend on how much he or she may actually need to bathe. This is where you need to use your best judgement.

If your dog likes to do dirty things like take a roll in poo or other smelly sports, then obviously it would be bath time. This would likely be a good time to use dog shampoos and have a full time bath.

Helpful tips for bathing your dog

  • Dirt and debris can get in the fur so I like to run a brush through Boo’s fur before a bath except when he is really filthy. Obviously dog poo or other sticky substances do not brush out well.
  • Always check your water temperature before using on your dog. This includes when you go to rinse him or her off. You don’t want to burn your baby.
  • It would be good to buy a detachable shower head. You could soap up your pup and easily spray em down and easily get those harder to reach areas. Be sure to place it on a lighter setting so it is not uncomfortable with your dog. This is a cleaner method than a cup of bath water. The cup just rinses your pet with it’s own dirty water. Make sure to rinse off all shampoo residue for leaving any on them can lease to skin irritation.
  • I bought a bath mat for his baths so he is not constantly slipping and sliding in the tub. He already hates baths so I figured there was no reason to freak him out more. You could always put a wet towel on the bottom of the tub if you do not have a mat. This will also help keep your pet more stable while standing in the tub.
  • Add any bath toys your dog will enjoy so the bath is more enjoyable for him or her.
  • If you did not clean the wrinkles in the bath, now is a good time to take wipes or a wash cloth to clean those wrinkles. Please also make sure do dry them. Damp, moist wrinkles can lead to infections.
  • I have read some say place cotton balls in your dogs ear before a bath. This could work for you. I have tried this myself and Boo was not going for it. He would rub his head against the floor and shake his head to get it out. I do not want to make his bath time experience more unbearable for him. After a bath, I use a towel to dry out his ears. He absolutely loves this. I do not even really have to do anything. He guides his ear cleaning himself while I hold the towel.
  • I always add vitamin e oil to his nose for moisture after a bath. Flat nosed dogs like Frenchies seem to have more of an issue of their noses drying out. Using vitamin e or other safe oils like petroleum jelly, can help keep the nose moist. I also put a towel down of the floor so he can rub himself on it as he is prone to do after a bath. Even if I dry him well, he will continue to wipe himself on the carpet. The towel keeps him from doing this. You could always use a blow dryer on cool setting if you would rather. I would not use this on Boo since heat is not really that good on the fur and can help dry out his coat.
  • After drying, this is when you can use a moisturizing spritz or apply lotion.

Best shampoo during bath time

There are many shampoos out there to choose from and I am sure like me you only want the best for your baby. You could always make your own DIY shampoo for your puppy so you can rest assure exactly all ingredients are safe. You can click here for recipes I have put together.

I do like to stay all natural.

For those interested in store bought shampoos, I have also provided a list for you along with their pros and cons here.

Baby shampoo for Frenchie fur

Yes, baby shampoo is safe for your baby as well as your dogs. This is a good alternative if you are looking for a good smelling shampoo and are out of dog shampoo.

Never use any other human shampoos on your dog. These can easily have ingredients that can cause irritation or possibly harm your dog. Tea tree oils is one of many examples that is safe for humans but can be deadly for your dog. Even without harmful chemicals found in human shampoo, it is too acidic for dogs.

Best oatmeal shampoos

 Earthbath All Natural Pet Shampoo

Earthbath All Natural Pet Shampoo

This shampoo has many formulas to choose between but it offers an oatmeal and aloe formula. It is all natural and moisturizing for the skin. It is also naturally scented.

The con would be that it is naturally scented so some of the formulas lack much of the scent.

Burt's Bees Oatmeal Shampoo with Colloidal Oat Flour & Honey

Burt’s Bees Oatmeal Shampoo with Colloidal Oat Flour & Honey

This is another all natural shampoo. It is safe and gentle on your dog. It has oatmeal and honey in it that helps lock in moisture and provide a shiny coat. A little bit goes a long way since it is concentrated.

The cons would be that the scent is strong. Because of the strong scents, this may not be the best option for dogs with sensitive skin.

Natural Chemistry Natural Lavender Shampoo

Natural Chemistry Natural Lavender Shampoo

This shampoo is gentle on your dog and seems to do well for sensitive skin. The lavendar scent is relaxing and makes your dog smell great. There are ingredients seem a little questionable to me but it is ph balanced and claims paraben free. I will need to do more thorough research for you since I have never used this brand. I have just read the reviews and heard good things.

4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo

4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo

This is the only shampoo I found that actually got certification of organic food standards. It is all natural and easy on the skin. It has Coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and Aloe Vera which is soothing and moisturizing. It also includes Lemongrass and rosemary essential oils which is a flea deterant.

The con to some would be that this shampoo is very thin and runny in comparison to other shampoos.

Oxgord Organic Oatmeal Dog Shampoo & Conditioner

This is a very popular all natural shampoo that guarantees that your pet will be clean, smooth and smelling clean. It has organic ingredients that is safe for your dog. It does not contain soaps but does lather.

Cons would be that the scent is very subtle and is does come with a higher price tag.

Paws & Pals Oatmeal, Shea Butter & Aloe Vera Shampoo

Paws & Pals Oatmeal, Shea Butter & Aloe Vera Shampoo

Organic shampoo with moisturizing ingredients makes for a gentle and effective clean. Works in a lather but claims it is soap free for no tears.

The cons are that the scent is subtle and the price is a little more on the expensive side.

Best shampoo for french bulldogs with allergies

Earthbath Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo

Earthbath Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo

This is a hypoallergenic shampoo meant specifically for dogs with allergies. It lathers up nicely and goes a long way. It has more of a light, clean, natural scent instead of a fragrance.

SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Hypoallergenic Shampoo for Dogs

SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Hypoallergenic Shampoo for Dogs

Helps restore skins moisture with natural ingredients. It has three times the number of active ingredients compared to other shampoos but is lightly scented. It lathers easily and goes a long way.

The con of this shampoo is it is lightly scented and the smell seems to go away within a few hours.

Vet's Best Hypo-Allergenic Dog Shampoo for Sensitive Skin

Vet’s Best Hypo-Allergenic Dog Shampoo for Sensitive Skin

It contains Vitamin E and Aloe Vera which moisturizes the skin. It doesn’t interfere with the ointment used such as flea and tick oitments. This shampoo helps with shedding and makes hair smooth.

The cons would be that there is not really a scent and it is runny. It does not really lather.

Moosh dog shampoo

Moosh dog shampoo

This is another all natural shampoo and has pretty good reviews. Customers report the smell is strong when you open the bottle but leaves a light scent after the bath. It has an unusual but pleasing scent. Many claimed it helped their pets with allergies.

Few said their pets had reactions and were grossed out by the scent. I have never tried this product but most of the reviews were very positive.

Not every bath needs a good shampoo

If you just gave your dog a nice bath with the works it may be best to just to give him a quick bath with only water. Let’s face it, dogs like to roll around and lay in grass and dirt.

If it is not really the time for your dogs bath, you can always give him a good short rinse with plain water. If your dog is not stinky and has gotten into something that can easily be rinsed off, then go for it.

Just because the vet says to wash your dog only a few times a year, does not mean that that is suitable for your dog. If your dog is smelly wash him properly, if he has had a fun day at the beach or the park, just rinse off the residue and give him or her a good brushing.

How to keep french bulldogs from smelling between baths

You can just use unscented alcohol free wet wipes or a wet wash cloth to wipe down your dog. This keeps your dog clean for those small jobs. Sometimes he does not need a full rinsing but running a cloth over the coat and other areas that may have gotten a little dirty outside is a good way to go. It is especially important to do this often to get in between the wrinkles. This should be done often to prevent infections and yuck.

I know limited baths for your Frenchie might not sound feasible. When I was told this information, I was surprised and concerned at the same time. If you are not supposed to bathe them every week, how do you keep them from smelling funky? Frenchies can smell pretty rank if you don’t keep up with their hygiene on a daily basis.

Clean their facial folds

This is a daily task that I make sure to keep up with. The folds in their face can get pretty nasty if you let this go. If the wrinkles are neglected, they can become reddened and swollen making your pup very uncomfortable. It could easily develop to a yeast infection. It is an easy enough task. All you have to do is wipe between their folds with a wipe.

Clean their ears

This is not necessary to do on a daily basis of course but it should be on the weekly hygiene list. You have to be very careful when cleaning their ears. Frenchies ears are sensitive and could easily be damaged if you try to go in too deep. Your dog could develop an stinky and uncomfortable ear infection that you will need to take care of immediately before it causes more serious issues.

Clean their paws

Dog paws can get pretty icky. They can start stinking from walking around and licking at them. I find it easier to rinse Boo’s paws outside with warm water and pat dry. The fresh air will finish the rest of the drying. Doing this outside is not necessary but the cleaning them

Clean their back-end

I always make sure to go over my boy with a wipe every time he takes a poop. The way his hind end is, it seems he never cleanly cuts one loose. I just take a wipe to his bottom to clean off any left overs and so his fur with not stain. I will also wipe his tail pocket. Not with the same dirty wipe of course. It is also suggested to clean the junk in the front as well.

Lotion & Spritz to finish off the bath

Your dog may have dry skin that needs a little attention. You can not use your own lotion because it usually contains certain chemicals that are not really pet friendly. Dogs lick themselves all the time. They need a more natural lotion. You can stay all-natural and wipe him down with coconut oil or make your own DIY lotions. There are also products on the market you can buy that are aimed specifically for your pet. There are also moisturizing sprays you can use much like our rosewater spritzes.